The new age of couponing – 100% automated.

Struggling with manual couponing processes? We deliver a 100% automated couponing process by validating barcodes in real-time, connecting you to 20.000 POS



100% automated (unique) coupon & basket information validation

Smart couponing

Digital and unique (serial) coupon ready API.

Real time

Coupon and basket validation in near real-time


Easy, automated and flawless settlement process.


Tired of counting paper-cut coupons? We enable you for the new 100% automated era of unique couponing! Furthermore the API based service will help you to save time and money while generating more revenue at the same time.


You want better customer targeting and more data? Our service enables you for the new era of smart couponing. With cheaper campaigns, customer tailored unique coupons and lots of customer data.
[Translate to IT:] Viafintech line[Translate to IT:] Solaris

Cross Selling

Benefit from all coupon campaigns.

Faster Checkout Process

Automatic & near real-time validation speeds up your checkout process for coupons.
[Translate to IT:] Established

Less Maintenance Time

Fully automated coupon process reduces your maintenance time and guarantees a less error-prone checkout process.

Digital and unique (serial) Couponing

We deliver the API and database to enable unique couponing. This new kind of coupons generate more customer insights and prevent fraud.

Flexible Coupon Campaigns

Cut out stressful and tough negotiation time and simply use our existing retail partner network to roll out coupon promotions.
[Translate to IT:] Weltugel

Multinational Couponing

Our Europe-wide retailer network enables you to roll out coupon promotions in several countries.
[Translate to IT:] Kasse
[Translate to IT:] Coupon

How it works

Step 01

Coupon Data storage

All important coupon data, e.g. barcode, amount, quantity etc. gets stored in the viafintech database.
Step 02

Coupon redemption

The customer scans the coupon barcode at the POS – the coupon and basket information get sent via API to viafintech.
Step 03

Coupon validation

The information is validated and the coupon is redeemed in near real-time.

Success Case German Press Coupon Clearing


Would you like to learn more about viacouponing?

Get in touch with us and our business development team will be happy to advise you on our product portfolio and answer all your questions.

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